I-304 Iphepha lensizi engenanto kunye ne-coil

Ubume beSumic

I-304 isetyenziswa ngokubanzi kwaye inesichasi esihle sokungakhathali, ukumelana nobushushu, amandla obushushu asezantsi kunye neempawu zoomatshini; Inepropathi efanelekileyo yokulungisa enjengokugoba kunye nokugoba, kwaye akukho hlaselo lobushushu olwenziweyo (i-on-magetic, sebenzisa ubushushu -196 ° C ° C).
Emva kokukhululwa kwe-welding okanye uxinzelelo, i-304l ichaphazela ukunganyangekala kokungabolekisi; Ingagcina i-Coloonion elungileyo yokunganyangeki ngaphandle konyango lobushushu, kwaye ubushushu obusebenzayo bukhona -196 ° C-800 ° C.
Imeko esisiseko
According to the manufacturing method, it is divided into hot rolling and cold rolling, and according to the organizational characteristics of the steel type, it is divided into 5 categories: austenite, austenite-ferrite, ferrite, martensite, precipitation hardening. Kuya kufuneka ukumelana noxinzelelo lwee-acids ezahlukeneyo ezinjenge-ongulalic acid, i-bitric acid, i-pholfuric acid, i-pholduric acid, i-fackic acid, njl. Isetyenziswe kumashishini anjengeshishini lemichiza, ukutya, amayeza, ipetrole, i-petroleum, i-Atomic, i-Atomic, kunye neendawo ezahlukeneyo zokwakha, iKitchen Izixhobo, izithuthi, kunye nezinto zombane zekhaya.
Umphezulu wepleyiti yentsimbi engenasimo igudileyo, ngeplastima ephezulu, ubunzima kunye namandla omatshini, kwaye unganyangeki ukusulela i-acids, i-alkaline Gases, izisombululo kunye nezinye iindaba. Yintsimbi ye-alloy ekungekho lula ukungqubana, kodwa ayisiyo ngokupheleleyo.
Iipleyiti zentsimbi ezingapheliyo zahlulahlulwe zaqengqeleka zaqengqeleka ngokushushu kwaye zibanda ngokwendlela yemveliso, kubandakanya iipleyiti ezibandayo ezinobunzima be-0.02-4 mm kunye ne-45-100 mm.
In order to ensure that the mechanical properties of various stainless steel plates such as yield strength, tensile strength, elongation and hardness meet the requirements, the steel plates must undergo annealing, solution treatment, aging treatment and other heat treatments before delivery. I-05.10 Iisimboli ezikhethekileyo
The corrosion resistance of stainless steel mainly depends on its alloy composition (chromium, nickel, titanium, silicon, aluminum, etc.) and internal organizational structure, and the main role is played by chromium. Chromium has high chemical stability and can form a passivation film on the steel surface to isolate the metal from the outside world, protect the steel plate from oxidation, and increase the corrosion resistance of the steel plate. Emva kokuba ifilimu yokwahlulwa yonakele, ukumelana nokunganyangeki kuyancipha.
Iipropathi zoMgangatho weSizwe
Amandla e-sunsle (MPA) 520
Isivuno (MPA) 205-210
I-Elongition (%) 40%
Ubunzima HB187 HRB90 HV200
Ukuxinana kwentsimbi ye-304 yentsimbi ye-793 g / cm3 intsimbi engenasitali ngokubanzi isebenzisa eli xabiso le-304 le-chromium (%) le-SCORCR19NI9 (0CC18NI9)

Intsimbi engama-304 ingenazinzuzo inesifo sokunganyangeki esinokunganyangeki kunye nokunganyangeki kakuhle komxhasi.
For oxidizing acid, the experiment shows that: in nitric acid below the boiling temperature with a concentration of ≤65%, 304 stainless steel has strong corrosion resistance. Ikwanokuchasana kakuhle kwizisombululo zeAlkaline Solutions kunye ne-Organic Acids.


IXESHA LOKUQALA: UJan-21 ukuya ku-525